Cymra is a simple and intuitive tool for creating digital books and learning resources

Getting started

Getting started with Cymra is easy. After creating a user, you can create a new book with only three simple clicks - completely free!


With our easy-to-use book editor, you can immediately begin to plan and lay out the basic structure of your book.

You can at any point create interactive content for your book. Add depth and value to your product by making use of our guided learning principles and extended functionality.


Set a price or give away for free! Sell and distribute your book through our book store.

If you need more information on what Cymra can offer you as an author, check out our feature list or have a look in our Guide to Cymra for more in-depth discussions.

The best way to get to know your possibilities, however, is to sign up and try for yourself!


If you want to get in touch with us directly, you can either send us an email or reach us through our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you, and will respond to your request as soon as possible!

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